I'm sitting on the floor of my parents house in Aptos, CA. For the past week or so we've been slowly making our way back home from Austin, TX. We've been staying with family members, doing 8 hour drives, listening to hours of music, discussing definitions of "lo-fi" and "punk rock", debating, planning, trying to figure out how to sleep... cleansing..... sitting still in a van... endlessly.
This has been a really incredible tour (and all tours are incredible, but this one especially so!) It is by far the longest time we've spent out on the road, and we've seen parts of the country that I've never seen before. (Lots of Desert! Lots of Scrub!) But we've met some really wonderful people and had some totally epic adventures that I'm sure we'll remember forever. (5 am, sitting at the black jack tables in Vegas... comes to mind... ALSO, playing in the middle of the Arizona desert while the sun went down... or walking around downtown austin, a little fuzzy, giving strangers high fives...)
SO I know that it was my promise to update at least every 2-3 weeks, but we've been on the road...what can i say.. it's hard to find time during tour to get access to the net for longer than a minute (HOW DO THEY SURVIVE?!?!?!)
But now... relaxing in beautiful APTOS (i just won $10 at darts, hell yeah!) I have some time to put up a bunch of stuff I've been meaning to share.
First off, TOUR SONG #1.... TOUR SONG #1 (Fall 2009) by Battlehooch
BACKSTORY ALERT!!!!! For the first batch of tours we did we talked about how it would be cool to try to write a song during the course of the tour... but we never got around to it. However, on our tour to Southern California last November we were finally able to make it happen! Huberloinz and myself used our recording devices to record little fragments of random dialog and also quick improvisations on whatever instrument we came across. Then, I cut it all up and put it together in Abelton Live. It pretty much doesn't sound like anything we've ever done, but somehow I still think it sounds like BATTLEHOOCH. Try to pick out the Charles Mingus Sample, if ya can :) :) :)
(SIDE NOTE ALERT!) - we've been working on a second tour song for this current tour, but it's not quite ready to be shown yet... but it includes recordings of screeching washing machines, dog barks, peanut butter jars, and Anton from Judgement Day freestyle rapping. COMING SOON.
To wrap up this post, I just wanted to gather together some of the videos that we've been amassing over the course of this tour. The first one is a video that a newspaper in Austin did about us street performing during SXSW...
.... the next video is something that a new fan shot while we played in a field on the first day of SXSW...
...and finally here is the first part of our own video tour journal, edited by our 7th member: Fuegodamus (i.e. the dude who does all of our trippy visuals at our live shows). We have tons of footage that we're still editing together, but like I said, it's been hard to find free time for the past week or so, so we'll be putting that stuff out ASAP.)
This tour was amazing and while I'm excited to sleep in my own bed tonight (!!!!!!) I'm sad to know that I won't be zipping all over the country playing music and meeting new friends. Hopefully these videos can give you a sense of what the experience as been like. As always it is a joy and an honor to travel the country with my brothers. For a more detailed description of what the tour was like, check out our twitter accounts HERE. We were all trying to tweet like fiends, trying to capture the intangible madness that is touring.... moment by moment.... and if i do say so myself, i think we did a damn good job.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
(scene: the middle of the ocean on a raft)
I'm starting to see how this all works.
The planning necessary for execution.
Multiple ideas being fashioned simultaneously.
A PLAN will lead to victory.
(end scene)
So we have a new remix to drop on you all.
This time around the song being remixed is "Human Ram", from our soon to be released self titled sophomore album (editors note - coming out April 17th, 2010!!!!).
Q: And who (you're certainly wondering) is it that remixed this "Song"?
Follow Up Q: Who DAT?
This guy. One of my (and the whole band's) good buddies.

PHYZK and the BATTLEHOOCH crew go way back. PHYZK, myself (Archaeology Johnson) and Steamboat Ravis lived in a "Triple" dorm room on the 2nd floor of A building @ Porter College in UCSC.
INTERESTING FACTOID: BATTLEHOOCH's own Dr Spankk and Huberloinz also lived on this hall (as well as many many classic clowns such as the Guat, Punk Rock Chris, Smac, Annie and Heather, Bobby Rawson and a good portion of San Francisco's own sublimely freaky NEW THRILL PARADE, just to name a few.)

(Here we are in the UCSC Electronic Music Studio... back in the day, ya'll)
After we lived together in the dorms, we later moved into a house along with Huberloinz, Dylan (from Swanifant) and the infamous G-MAPS. The house, being on Mentel Ave., was dubbed the Mental House.
(editors note: I'm currently sifting through the HOURS AND HOURS of Mental House recordings I have - jams, shows, demos, freak outs, experiments, general madness - in effort to put together a blog post on that in the not so distant future...)
Here are a couple pictures of PHYZK hurling himself off of the couch in the living room of the Mental House. THESE ARE RAW PICTURES. NO PHOTOSHOPPING, YO.

PHYZK is impressive on many levels. He plays many instruments including tabla, steel drum, congas, turn tables, and all manner of crazy auxiliary/hand percussion type doodads. He also makes FAT Beats. He was ALSO also an astrophysics major.... and word on the street was that that was the most brutal major at UCSC. Word.
Anyone that knows PHYZK was tell you that he's a daredevil (thus him constantly jumping off of our couch... the daredevil!). Be it snowboarding, mountain biking, dirt biking, or just jumping off of a really big tree stump, PHYZK always seemed to be in a hurry to throw himself off of a cliff or something.
I've made days worth of music with DJ PHYZK and spent 10 times as many days kicking it super hard with him. Getting candy at Walgreen's. Watching Mr. Show DVDs over and over.
He's a true homie.
So that's why we gave him our track to fuck with, because we knew that he'd make something EPIC.... and lo and behold he did not fail. In fact, he outdid himself.
And without further adue (the crowd: "TOO LATE!") I present... Human Ram (DJ PHYZK REMIX)
Human Ram (DJ PHYZK Remix) by Battlehooch
I'm starting to see how this all works.
The planning necessary for execution.
Multiple ideas being fashioned simultaneously.
A PLAN will lead to victory.
(end scene)
So we have a new remix to drop on you all.
This time around the song being remixed is "Human Ram", from our soon to be released self titled sophomore album (editors note - coming out April 17th, 2010!!!!).
Q: And who (you're certainly wondering) is it that remixed this "Song"?
Follow Up Q: Who DAT?
PHYZK and the BATTLEHOOCH crew go way back. PHYZK, myself (Archaeology Johnson) and Steamboat Ravis lived in a "Triple" dorm room on the 2nd floor of A building @ Porter College in UCSC.
INTERESTING FACTOID: BATTLEHOOCH's own Dr Spankk and Huberloinz also lived on this hall (as well as many many classic clowns such as the Guat, Punk Rock Chris, Smac, Annie and Heather, Bobby Rawson and a good portion of San Francisco's own sublimely freaky NEW THRILL PARADE, just to name a few.)
(Here we are in the UCSC Electronic Music Studio... back in the day, ya'll)
After we lived together in the dorms, we later moved into a house along with Huberloinz, Dylan (from Swanifant) and the infamous G-MAPS. The house, being on Mentel Ave., was dubbed the Mental House.
(editors note: I'm currently sifting through the HOURS AND HOURS of Mental House recordings I have - jams, shows, demos, freak outs, experiments, general madness - in effort to put together a blog post on that in the not so distant future...)
Here are a couple pictures of PHYZK hurling himself off of the couch in the living room of the Mental House. THESE ARE RAW PICTURES. NO PHOTOSHOPPING, YO.
PHYZK is impressive on many levels. He plays many instruments including tabla, steel drum, congas, turn tables, and all manner of crazy auxiliary/hand percussion type doodads. He also makes FAT Beats. He was ALSO also an astrophysics major.... and word on the street was that that was the most brutal major at UCSC. Word.
Anyone that knows PHYZK was tell you that he's a daredevil (thus him constantly jumping off of our couch... the daredevil!). Be it snowboarding, mountain biking, dirt biking, or just jumping off of a really big tree stump, PHYZK always seemed to be in a hurry to throw himself off of a cliff or something.
I've made days worth of music with DJ PHYZK and spent 10 times as many days kicking it super hard with him. Getting candy at Walgreen's. Watching Mr. Show DVDs over and over.
He's a true homie.
So that's why we gave him our track to fuck with, because we knew that he'd make something EPIC.... and lo and behold he did not fail. In fact, he outdid himself.
And without further adue (the crowd: "TOO LATE!") I present... Human Ram (DJ PHYZK REMIX)
Human Ram (DJ PHYZK Remix) by Battlehooch
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