Saturday, July 17, 2010

Militant Mellowness or In Search of WEIRD AMERICA (BATTLEHOOCH U.S. Tour 2010 Pt.1)

(it begins)

Yes. It's July.

Yes. The last post was in May.

Yes. BATTLEHOOCH is still alive and well. (More alive and well than ever, IN FACT)

(No. We are not in San Francisco. Technically we don't live there (OR ANYWHERE) right now...)


It's been a busy past few months leading up to this current tour, which as of this writing a wee 4 days old. (yes that is wee, and in a "wee leprechaun". What? Uou didn't know I was Irish? Oh yes, the whole time you read this blog, your inner monologue should be in an Irish accent.)

(don't listen to him)

Thanks to all our friends/fans/family/pets/etc. that came out to our last two SF Shows: Opening for Forest Day at Great American Music Hall and our Exodus show at Bottom of the Hill. Both were shows that meant a lot to us, and it meant even more that we had friends to boogie down with. (Sentimental violin music. The violins catch on fire, and melt like wax. TOO GOOPY, Archaeology. TOO GOOPY.)

Another BIG BIG deal was that (drum rolllllllllllllllllllll)... we all QUIT OUR JOBS!!! (HUZZAH!)
For the moment, our only jobs are BATTLEHOOCH/music related ones and that, my friends, is a beautiful thing... something that I personally have been awaiting since I was in 7th grade. I don't mean to gloat or anything.... just sayin' I'm happy, is all.

ANNNNNNND... even though our self-titled, second LP came out in April, we've already written the bulk of the follow up. We have prepared no less than 10 new, unrecorded songs to be roadtested over the course of the tour, and if all goes well, we'll be able to jump right into the studio when the tour is over and squeeze out the next album before ya know it! Keep checking back to the blog periodically to hear live recordings of these new songs, they will surely morph over the course of this crusade.


FACT: We are currently running a Kickstarter Campaign which we need donations for.

Q: What is Kickstarter?
A: A super amazing website where people who need money for projects put together a proposition, and people who have money to burn can invest money in those proposed projects.

We have created a Kickstarter campaign in order to finance the purchase of a whole gaggle of cameras, tri-pods, etc. so that we can properly document our adventures. If you are interested in investing or you just want to find out more information, please follow THIS link to the page that our beloved drummer Huberloinz setup that explains the whole project in GREAT DETAIL.

In Portland now. Making sandwiches. Drinking Lemonade. Trying to find Weird America.

Signing off for now, see you SOON SOON.

(it'll continue......................................)

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