Thursday, January 24, 2008

Flagship Battleblog (from the gills of FishMilk McForeskin)

Start 5:18 PM
Davis, California

First off, thanks to everyone who came out to our show at the Retox last night and a BIG BIG BIG thanx to the brilliant members of Hey Three Eyes and Little Teeth. It was an honor, a joy and a profound privilege to share a bill with should unique and brilliant musicians. It was a great way to kick off our first ever Battlehooch blitzkrieg Tour.

We in Battlehooch find ourselves presently in the fine (and cold!) kitchen of our lovely keyboard playing friend Preben. We are constructing a salad and pasta dinner meal composed with concerto like perfection that we will eat in order to gather strength for our first ever sacaramento area show at the fire escape with our homies SWIMS and O! The Joy! It's been raining all day, but the Battlevan got from SF to SacTown no problem. We've been filming various acts of merriment and silliness (for example, as I write this BLOG, Preben is wrestling with his dog, NASTY NATE) which we will post in a more extensive blog a little down the line.

A brief blog, true, but that is because we are merely hours into our tour, with much more adventure coming down the pike. Stay tuned friends for frequent updates from all the members as we wind our way on tour.


Archeology Johnson (the legendary fishmilk, himself)

End 5:31 PM (Dinner Time)

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